
Discourse Discourse

A platform for community discussion

★ 43,3 тис. Forum

Homepage · Source code

Author: Broadcom, Inc · License: Apache-2.0

Version: 3 ·

Про Discourse

Discourse is the online home for your community. We offer a 100% open source community platform to those who want complete control over how and where their site is run.


Our platform has been battle-tested for over a decade and continues to evolve to meet users’ needs for a powerful community platform. Discourse allows you to create discussion topics and connect using real-time chat, as well as access an ever-growing number of official and community themes. In addition, we offer a wide variety of plugins for features ranging from chatbots powered by Discourse AI to functionalities like SQL analysis using the Data Explorer plugin.

To learn more, visit discourse.org and join our support community at meta.discourse.org.

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Альтернатива для

  1. Slack  Slack
  2. Discord  Discord


  1. Answer  Answer

    Q&A platform software for teams

    ★ 14K Q&A Forum