So is Excalidraw
Доска для рисования диаграмм от руки
★ 91.2K diagram whiteboard License: MITВиртуальная доска с рукописным стилем с открытым исходным кодом. Совместная работа и сквозное шифрование.
So is Affine
Совместное рабочее пространство для вашей базы знаний
★ 45.3K knowledge-base note-taking collaboration whiteboard License: MITЭто Community Edition приложения Affine.
So is Draw.io
JavaScript, client-side editor for general diagramming
★ 52.2K diagram License: Apache-2.0Browser-based diagramming components and applications.
So is 🔄 Scrumlr
Webapp for collaborative online retrospectives
★ 276 retrospective agile scrum License: MITScrumlr is an online collaboration tool that helps teams reach new heights. Start your first retrospective or collaborative session in an instant - no registration required and completely free and open source.
Sure, Miro is awesome.
But have you considered these open source alternatives?
They are free, self-hostable and community-driven.
Check by yourself: Excalidraw , Affine , Draw.io , 🔄 Scrumlr .