
Self-hosted dashboard

★ 12 mil Dashboard

Source code

Author: Svilen Markov · License: AGPL-3.0

Version: 0.7.5 ·

Sobre Glance

Glance is a self-hosted dashboard that puts all your feeds in one place. It's a simple yet powerful tool that allows you to keep an eye on your favorite websites, social media, and more.



  • 🧩 Various widgets: RSS feeds, subreddit posts, Hacker News posts, weather forecasts, YouTube channel uploads, Twitch channels, market prices, Docker containers status, server stats, custom widgets, and many more.
  • Fast and lightweight: Low memory usage, few dependencies, minimal vanilla JS, single <20mb binary available for multiple OSs & architectures, and just as small Docker container.
  • 🔧 Tons of customizability: Different layouts, as many pages/tabs as you need, numerous configuration options for each widget, multiple styles for some widgets, custom CSS, optimized for mobile devices.
  • 💄 Themeable: Easily create your own theme by tweaking a few numbers or choose from one of the already available themes.

Environment variables

View environment variables


  1. Homepage  Homepage

    A highly customizable homepage

    ★ 22.2K Dashboard
  2. Docker  Dash

    Um painel de controle para seus containers Docker

    ★ 3 Dashboard