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직접 확인하십시오:  Webtop ,  XPipe .

  1. Webtop

    Linux in a web browser supporting popular desktop environments

    ★ 2.8K desktop License: GPL-3.0

    Alpine, Ubuntu, Fedora, and Arch based containers containing full desktop environments in officially supported flavors accessible via any modern web browser.


  2. XPipe

    Your entire server infrastructure at your fingertips

    ★ 4.7K desktop License: Apache-2.0

    XPipe is a new type of shell connection hub and remote file manager that allows you to access your entire server infrastructure from your local machine. It works on top of your installed command-line programs and does not require any setup on your remote systems. So if you normally use CLI tools like ssh, docker, kubectl, etc. to connect to your servers, you can just use XPipe on top of that.
