
확실히, Insomnia Insomnia은 멋집니다.

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직접 확인하십시오: Hoppscotch  Hoppscotch ,  Sparrow .

  1. Hoppscotch Hoppscotch

    API 클라이언트 테스트 도구

    ★ 68.5K API Testing License: MIT

    Hoppscotch는 가벼운 웹 기반 API 개발 도구입니다.


  2. Sparrow

    Next-gen API testing

    ★ 450 API Testing License: AGPL-3.0

    Sparrow is your next go-to API development buddy which can help you test, debug, and distribute better APIs while collaborating with your colleagues and making you a better programmer.
