
ローカルの代替を開始 Notion Notion, OpenAI ChatGPT, Figma Figma その他 人気のあるソフトウェア.

★ 397.9万 累積スター



AFFiNEAffineOllamaOllamaGiteaGiteaMeilisearchMeilisearchPerplexicaApacheApache (httpd)BudibaseBudibaseSupabaseSupabaseOpen WebUIOutlineOutlineMarreta🎮Prince of PersiaAppflowy Appflowyn8nn8nCoderCoderKeycloakKeycloakKongKongSearXNGSearXNG🧠Khoj🤯LobeChatJSONJSON CrackOdooOdooApache SupersetSupersetJitsiJitsi MeetVaultVaultActivepiecesJupyterJupyter NotebookPostHogPostHogPhotoPrismCachetCachetPenpotPenpotWiki.jsWiki.jsAPITableFirefly IIIFirefly IIIReactive ResumeReactive Resume🔧️IT ToolsMariaDBMariaDBAutomatisch☸️GraphQL Hive👻GhostfolioTechnitium DNS ServerWallos♾️InfisicalUmamiUmamiOwncastLLDAP🪜LadderPaperless-ngxPaperless-ngxBaserowBaserowMaybeUptime KumaUptime KumaAutheliaAutheliaPlausible AnalyticsPlausible🐼RedpandaElasticElasticImmichImmich✈️PlaneNocoDBXPipeOfeliaDifyDifySpotubeSpotubeExcalidrawExcalidrawAppsmithAppsmithNextcloudNextcloudMastodonMastodonJoplinJoplin serverTraefik ProxyTraefik🤖AnythingLLM HuginnMemosLangflowLangflowActual BudgetActualBudget📦CoolifyGoogle ChromeChromiumWindmillOpenObserveRedisRedis🔐ZitadelDocmostStackBlitzBolt.diyDozzlelistmonkListmonkLago🎮Minecraft serverAnswerAnswer WPS Office📄Gotenberg☸️GraphQL Mesh📐WebstudioWebtopSouinMinifluxGristMermaidMermaid Live Editor🎮Factorio serverSigNozSparrowPi-holePi-holeGrafanaGrafanaDiscourseDiscourseGitLabGitLab🐘pgAdmin 4ClickHouseClickHouseCal.comcal.comHoppscotchHoppscotchMetabaseMetabase🐿️TrailBaseTaigaGhostGhostRustDeskRustdeskHome AssistantHome AssistantStirling-PDFStirling PDFFlowisePortainerPortainerBookStackBookStackMinIOMinIOJellyfinJellyfin🐾TabbyMLVaultwardenVaultwardenDirectusDirectusdiagrams.netDraw.ioNGINXNginxFlagsmith🎥Remotion🪢LangfuseFreshRSSTooljetTooljetFormbricks👨‍🍳CyberChef🔐Hanko🤖LiteLLMHarborHarborWiresharkWiresharkBitwardenBitwarden🧙MageDokuWikiDockerDash🔗Shlink🎮Quake🔄ScrumlrStackBlitzBolt.new🐙JellyseerrOpenSpeedTestwger Quay

  1. OpenAIChatGPTのスマートな代替

    Ollama  Ollama

    ★ 131K LLM AI
  2. OpenAIChatGPT, PerplexityPerplexityのスマートな代替

     Open WebUI

    ★ 82K LLM AI RAG Chatbot
  3. DialogflowDialogflow CX, RasaRasa, Midjourneyのスマートな代替

    Dify  Dify

    ★ 80K LLM AI RAG Chatbot
  4. WordPressWordPressのスマートな代替

    Ghost  Ghost

    Headless CMS for professional publishing
    ★ 48.6K CMS Blog
  5. NotionNotionのスマートな代替

    Appflowy  Appflowy

    共同作業スペース (Linuxのみ)
    ★ 61.1K Knowledge base Note-taking Collaboration
  6. TeamViewerTeamViewerのスマートな代替

    RustDesk  Rustdesk

    Remote desktop application
    ★ 83.3K Desktop
  7. MiroMiro, LucidLucidchart, Visioのスマートな代替

    Excalidraw  Excalidraw

    ★ 93.7K Diagram Whiteboard
  8. ZapierZapier, MakeMake, IFTTTIFTTTのスマートな代替

    n8n  n8n

    ★ 63.3K Workflow Automation
  9. Home Assistant  Home Assistant

    ★ 76.9K Home automation
  10. NotionNotion, MiroMiroのスマートな代替

    AFFiNE  Affine

    ★ 46.2K Knowledge base Note-taking Collaboration Whiteboard
  11. IntelliJ IDEAIntelliJ IDEAのスマートな代替

    Coder  Coder

    ブラウザで使用するVisual Studio Code
    ★ 70.1K IDE Coding
  12. GoogleApigee, Amazon API GatewayAmazon API Gatewayのスマートな代替

    Traefik Proxy  Traefik

    ★ 53.5K API gateway Reverse proxy
  13. AlgoliaAlgoliaのスマートな代替

    Meilisearch  Meilisearch

    Lightning-fast search API
    ★ 49.6K Search engine
  14. DialogflowDialogflow CX, RasaRasaのスマートな代替

    Langflow  Langflow

    ★ 50K Chatbot AI RAG Low-code
  15. CalendlyCalendlyのスマートな代替

    Cal.com  cal.com

    Scheduling infrastructure
    ★ 34.3K Calendar Scheduling
  16. Mint, You Need A Budget, Finaryのスマートな代替


    The OS for your personal finances
    ★ 41.9K Finance
  17. Pi-hole  Pi-hole

    A black hole for Internet advertisements
    ★ 50.6K DNS Network
  18. EvernoteEvernoteのスマートな代替

    Joplin  Joplin server

    Privacy-focused note taking app with sync capabilities
    ★ 47.9K Note-taking
  19. Google PhotosGoogle Photosのスマートな代替

    Immich  Immich

    ★ 59K Photo management
  20. Amazon S3Amazon S3, Google Cloud StorageGoogle Cloud Storageのスマートな代替

    MinIO  MinIO

    High-performance, S3 compatible object store
    ★ 50.4K Object storage
  21. OpenAIChatGPT, PerplexityPerplexityのスマートな代替

    🤯  LobeChat

    ★ 56.5K LLM AI RAG Chatbot
  22. ClickHouse  ClickHouse

    Real-time analytics database management system
    ★ 39.4K Database Analytics Data
  23. SAPSAP, SalesforceSalesforceのスマートな代替

    Odoo  Odoo

    Open Source Apps To Grow Your Business
    ★ 41.1K ERP CRM Accounting
  24. RetoolRetool, AirtableAirtableのスマートな代替

    Budibase  Budibase

    Create business apps and automate workflows in minutes
    ★ 23.6K Internal tool Low-code No-code
  25. SplunkSplunkのスマートな代替

    Elastic  Elastic

    ★ 71.8K Log management Monitoring Search engine Observability
  26. OpenAIChatGPT, PerplexityPerplexityのスマートな代替

    🤖  AnythingLLM

    ★ 39.9K LLM AI RAG Chatbot
  27. WordPressWordPressのスマートな代替

    Directus  Directus

    An open-source headless CMS
    ★ 29.4K CMS Database Data
  28. FirebaseFirebase, HasuraHasuraのスマートな代替

    Supabase  Supabase

    ★ 78.4K Database Data API
  29. JiraJira, AsanaAsana, LinearLinear, Mondayのスマートな代替

    ✈️  Plane

    ★ 32.6K Issue tracking Project management
  30. 🤖UptimeRobot, StatuspageStatuspageのスマートな代替

    Uptime Kuma  Uptime Kuma

    Uptime monitoring tool
    ★ 65.4K Monitoring Status page
  31. RetoolRetool, PowerAppsのスマートな代替

    Appsmith  Appsmith

    ★ 35.9K Internal tool Low-code No-code
  32. 1Password1Password, LastPassLastPassのスマートな代替

    Vaultwarden  Vaultwarden

    Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
    ★ 42.3K Security
  33. PlexPlex, EmbyEmbyのスマートな代替

    Jellyfin  Jellyfin

    Free Software Media System
    ★ 37.6K Media server Media player
  34. PrometheusPrometheusのスマートな代替

    Grafana  Grafana

    Open and composable observability and data visualization platform
    ★ 66.7K Monitoring Observability
  35. PostmanPostman, InsomniaInsomniaのスマートな代替

    Hoppscotch  Hoppscotch

    ★ 68.5K API Testing
  36. Redis  Redis

    In-memory database that persists on disk
    ★ 68.1K Database Data Key-value store
  37. PowerBI, Tableauのスマートな代替

    Apache Superset  Superset

    ★ 64.7K Data visualization Data Business Intelligence
  38. ZoomZoom, Google MeetGoogle Meetのスマートな代替

    Jitsi  Jitsi Meet

    Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences
    ★ 24.7K Video
  39. Adobe Acrobatのスマートな代替

    Stirling-PDF  Stirling PDF

    ★ 52.6K PDF
  40. EvernoteEvernoteのスマートな代替


    Lightweight note-taking solution
    ★ 37.4K Note-taking
  41. SpotifySpotifyのスマートな代替

    Spotube  Spotube

    Open source Spotify client that doesn't require Premium
    ★ 35.6K Music
  42. DialogflowDialogflow CX, RasaRasaのスマートな代替


    Drag & drop UI to build your customized LLM flow
    ★ 35.7K LLM AI RAG Chatbot
  43. ZapierZapier, MakeMake, IFTTTIFTTTのスマートな代替


    ★ 45K Automation Monitoring
  44. AirtableAirtable, Excelのスマートな代替


    Open-source Airtable alternative
    ★ 52.4K Database Data Spreadsheet
  45. Mint, You Need A Budgetのスマートな代替

    Actual Budget  ActualBudget

    Personal finance management tool
    ★ 17.7K Finance
  46. JSON  JSON Crack

    Transforms various data formats into interactive graphs
    ★ 37.1K Data
  47. GitHubGitHub, BitbucketBitbucketのスマートな代替

    Gitea  Gitea

    ★ 47.3K Git Software development
  48. XX (Twitter)のスマートな代替

    Mastodon  Mastodon

    Social networking platform
    ★ 47.8K Social network
  49. Delineaのスマートな代替

    Vault  Vault

    Secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged access management
    ★ 31.9K Security Secrets
  50. PowerBI, Tableauのスマートな代替

    Metabase  Metabase

    ★ 41K Business Intelligence Analytics
  51. GoogleApigee, Amazon API GatewayAmazon API Gatewayのスマートな代替

    Kong  Kong

    The Cloud-Native API Gateway and AI Gateway
    ★ 40.3K API gateway
  52. MiroMiro, LucidLucidchart, Visioのスマートな代替

    diagrams.net  Draw.io

    JavaScript, client-side editor for general diagramming
    ★ 52.8K Diagram
  53. KubernetesKubernetesのスマートな代替

    Portainer  Portainer

    Making Docker and Kubernetes management easy
    ★ 32.1K Docker
  54. HerokuHeroku, NetlifyNetlify, VercelVercelのスマートな代替

    📦  Coolify

    オープンソースで自己ホスト可能なHeroku / Netlify / Vercelの代替サービス。
    ★ 37.8K PaaS
  55. SlackSlack, DiscordDiscordのスマートな代替

    Discourse  Discourse

    A platform for community discussion
    ★ 43.3K Forum
  56. OpenAIChatGPT, PerplexityPerplexityのスマートな代替

    🧠  Khoj

    Your AI second brain
    ★ 26.4K LLM AI RAG Chatbot
  57. Auth0Auth0のスマートな代替

    Authelia  Authelia

    The Single Sign-On Multi-Factor portal for web apps
    ★ 23K Security Identity management
  58. NGINX  Nginx

    High-performance web server and reverse proxy
    ★ 26.1K Web server Reverse proxy
  59. ZapierZapier, MakeMake, IFTTTIFTTTのスマートな代替


    Workflow automation tool
    ★ 12.1K Workflow Automation
  60. Auth0Auth0のスマートな代替

    Keycloak  Keycloak

    Open Source Identity and Access Management
    ★ 25.6K Security Identity management
  61. ConfluenceConfluenceのスマートな代替

    Wiki.js  Wiki.js

    A modern and powerful wiki app
    ★ 25.7K Wiki
  62. RetoolRetool, PowerAppsのスマートな代替

    Tooljet  Tooljet

    ★ 34.8K Internal tool Low-code No-code
  63. ConfluenceConfluenceのスマートな代替

    BookStack  BookStack

    A platform to create documentation/wiki content
    ★ 16.2K Wiki
  64. GitHub CopilotGitHub Copilotのスマートな代替

    🐾  TabbyML

    Self-hosted AI coding assistant
    ★ 30.1K AI Coding
  65. FigmaFigma, SketchSketch, InVisionInVision, Adobe XDのスマートな代替

    Penpot  Penpot

    The open-source design tool for design and code collaboration
    ★ 36.6K Design Collaboration
  66. Google AnalyticsGoogle Analyticsのスマートな代替

    Plausible Analytics  Plausible

    Simple & privacy-friendly web analytics
    ★ 21.7K Analytics
  67. StackBlitz  Bolt.diy

    Prompt, run, edit, and deploy full-stack web applications
    ★ 13K Chatbot AI Web development
  68. Paperless-ngx  Paperless-ngx

    Scan, index and archive all your physical documents
    ★ 25.3K Document management
  69. DatadogDatadog, New RelicNew Relicのスマートな代替


    OpenTelemetry observability platform with logs, traces and metrics
    ★ 20.8K Monitoring Observability
  70. GoogleGoogle, DuckDuckGoDuckDuckGoのスマートな代替

    SearXNG  SearXNG

    Free internet metasearch engine
    ★ 16.8K Search engine
  71. ConfluenceConfluenceのスマートな代替

    Outline  Outline

    The fastest knowledge base for growing teams
    ★ 30.7K Wiki
  72. DropboxDropbox, Google DriveGoogle Driveのスマートな代替

    Nextcloud  Nextcloud

    ★ 28.7K File sharing Collaboration
  73. Google PhotosGoogle Photosのスマートな代替


    AI-Powered Photos App
    ★ 36.6K Photo management
  74. ConfluenceConfluence, NotionNotionのスマートな代替


    Collaborative wiki and documentation software
    ★ 11.5K Wiki Knowledge base Collaboration
  75. DockerDocker Hub, JFrogJFrog Artifactoryのスマートな代替

    Harbor  Harbor

    Registry that stores, signs, and scans content
    ★ 25K Container Registry Security
  76. Delineaのスマートな代替

    ♾️  Infisical

    Open-source secret management platform
    ★ 16.9K Security Secrets
  77. 👨‍🍳  CyberChef

    The Cyber Swiss Army Knife webapp
    ★ 30.4K Security
  78. Google AnalyticsGoogle Analyticsのスマートな代替

    Umami  Umami

    Simple, fast, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics
    ★ 24.9K Analytics
  79. RetoolRetool, TemporalTemporal, Pipedreams, Superblocksのスマートな代替


    Developer platform to power your entire infra
    ★ 12.3K Low-code
  80. GitHubGitHub, BitbucketBitbucketのスマートな代替

    GitLab  GitLab

    ★ 23.9K Git Software development
  81. MixpanelMixpanel, Amplitudeのスマートな代替

    PostHog  PostHog

    The single platform to analyze, test, observe, and deploy new features
    ★ 24.5K Analytics Feature flagging A/B testing
  82. Google Chrome  Chromium

    ★ 20K Browser
  83. 🔧️  IT Tools

    Collection of handy online tools for developers
    ★ 27.4K Software development
  84. FeedlyFeedly, InoreaderInoreaderのスマートな代替


    RSS news aggregator
    ★ 11K RSS
  85. After Effectsのスマートな代替

    🎥  Remotion

    Create videos programmatically in React
    ★ 21.6K Video
  86. SlackSlack, DiscordDiscordのスマートな代替

    Answer  Answer

    Q&A platform software for teams
    ★ 14K Q&A Forum
  87. 🤖UptimeRobot, StatuspageStatuspageのスマートな代替

    Cachet  Cachet

    Status page system
    ★ 14.3K Monitoring Status page
  88. OpenAIChatGPTのスマートな代替

    🤖  LiteLLM

    ★ 18.1K AI LLM
  89. Reactive Resume  Reactive Resume

    A resume builder
    ★ 29.8K Resume
  90. Mintのスマートな代替

    Firefly III  Firefly III

    A personal finance manager
    ★ 18.2K Finance
  91. PerplexityPerplexityのスマートな代替


    ★ 20.2K LLM AI Chatbot
  92. DatadogDatadog, New RelicNew Relicのスマートな代替


    Logs, Metrics, Traces and more in one platform
    ★ 14.5K Monitoring Observability
  93. 𓅱🛠Langsmithのスマートな代替

    🪢  Langfuse

    Open source LLM engineering platform
    ★ 8.9K AI LLM Monitoring Observability
  94. TypeformTypeform, SurveyMonkeySurveyMonkeyのスマートな代替


    Open Source Survey Platform
    ★ 10.1K Survey Feedback
  95. AirtableAirtableのスマートな代替


    Low-code platform for building collaborative apps
    ★ 13.9K Database API Spreadsheet
  96. 1Password1Password, LastPassLastPassのスマートな代替

    Bitwarden  Bitwarden

    An open source password manager
    ★ 16.2K Security
  97. FeedlyFeedly, InoreaderInoreaderのスマートな代替


    Minimalist and opinionated feed reader
    ★ 7.3K RSS
  98. Apache KafkaKafkaのスマートな代替

    🐼  Redpanda

    Streaming data platform for developers
    ★ 10K Streaming Data
  99. SubstackSubstack, MailChimpMailchimpのスマートな代替

    listmonk  Listmonk

    Newsletter and mailing list manager
    ★ 16.2K Newsletter Mailing list
  100. StackBlitz  Bolt.new

    ★ 13.3K Chatbot AI Web development
  101. TwitchTwitch, YouTubeYouTube, PeerTubePeerTubeのスマートな代替


    Live video streaming + chat out of the box
    ★ 9.8K Streaming Video
  102.  Dozzle

    Realtime log viewer for docker containers
    ★ 7.8K Docker Log management Monitoring
  103. StripeStripe, Chargebee, Recurlyのスマートな代替


    Open Source Metering & Usage-Based Billing
    ★ 7.4K Payment
  104. Jupyter  Jupyter Notebook

    Jupyter Interactive Notebook
    ★ 12.1K Data science Data Machine learning
  105. Wireshark  Wireshark

    Network traffic analyzer
    ★ 7.6K Network Security
  106. Google SheetsGoogle Sheets, AirtableAirtable, Excelのスマートな代替


    The modern relational spreadsheet
    ★ 7.9K Spreadsheet Database
  107. Auth0Auth0, ClerkClerkのスマートな代替

    🔐  Hanko

    The Complete Authentication and User Management Solution for the Passkey Era
    ★ 7.7K Security Identity management
  108. LaunchDarklyのスマートな代替


    Feature Flagging and Remote Config Service
    ★ 5.4K Feature flagging A/B testing
  109. Oracleのスマートな代替

    MariaDB  MariaDB

    Community-developed open SQL server
    ★ 5.9K Database
  110. Auth0Auth0のスマートな代替

    🔐  Zitadel

    Identity and Access Management
    ★ 9.8K Security Identity management Access management
  111. 🎮  Minecraft server

    Minecraft server with dynamic version, server types, and modpack support
    ★ 10.6K Game
  112.  Technitium DNS Server

    Authoritative and recursive DNS server
    ★ 5.1K DNS
  113. 📄  Gotenberg

    API for converting HTML, Markdown, and Office documents to PDF
    ★ 8.7K PDF
  114. undefined, Prefectundefinedのスマートな代替

    🧙  Mage

    Data pipelines for integrating and transforming data
    ★ 8.2K Data Data pipeline ETL
  115. ZapierZapier, MakeMake, IFTTTIFTTTのスマートな代替


    Build workflow automation without spending time and money
    ★ 8.4K Workflow Automation
  116. DockerDocker Hub, JFrogJFrog Artifactoryのスマートな代替


    Applications and containers Registry
    ★ 2.6K Container Registry Security
  117. WebflowWebflowのスマートな代替

    📐  Webstudio

    Advanced website builder
    ★ 6.3K Website builder
  118.  wger

    Manage your personal workouts
    ★ 4.4K Health
  119. DataGripDataGripのスマートな代替

    🐘  pgAdmin 4

    Web-based administration tool for PostgreSQL
    ★ 2.8K Database
  120. Apache  Apache (httpd)

    Apache HTTP Server
    ★ 3.6K Web server
  121. ConfluenceConfluenceのスマートな代替


    A simple to use and highly versatile open-source wiki software
    ★ 4.2K Wiki
  122. Mintのスマートな代替

    👻  Ghostfolio

    Wealth management software
    ★ 5.4K Finance
  123.  Wallos

    Open-Source Personal Subscription Tracker
    ★ 3.9K Finance
  124. 🐙  Jellyseerr

    Media request and discovery manager
    ★ 4.6K Media server
  125. Apache GuacamoleGuacamole, VNCのスマートな代替


    Your entire server infrastructure at your fingertips
    ★ 5.1K Desktop
  126. BitlyBitly, 🔗TinyURLのスマートな代替

    🔗  Shlink

    The definitive self-hosted URL shortener
    ★ 3.6K URL shortener
  127. Apache GuacamoleGuacamole, VNCのスマートな代替


    Linux in a web browser supporting popular desktop environments
    ★ 3K Desktop
  128.  LLDAP

    Light LDAP implementation
    ★ 4.8K LDAP
  129.  Ofelia

    A Docker job scheduler
    ★ 3.2K Scheduler Cron
  130. LucidLucidchartのスマートな代替

    Mermaid  Mermaid Live Editor

    mermaid 図/ダイアグラムの編集、プレビュー、共有
    ★ 4.6K Diagram
  131. AirtableAirtable, Excelのスマートな代替

    Baserow  Baserow

    No-code database tool and Airtable alternative
    ★ 2.6K Database Data Spreadsheet
  132. 🐿️  TrailBase

    Blazingly fast open-source application server
    ★ 1.5K
  133. SpeedtestSpeedtest, Fast.comのスマートな代替


    Network Performance Estimation Tool
    ★ 2.5K Network
  134. Apollo GraphQLApollo Serverのスマートな代替

    ☸️  GraphQL Mesh

    A GraphQL gateway of aggregated data sources
    ★ 3.4K GraphQL
  135. 🪜  Ladder

    Bypass paywalls with a proxy ladder
    ★ 4.7K HTTP proxy Paywall
  136.  Marreta

    Break access barriers and elements that hinder reading
    ★ 782 HTTP proxy Paywall
  137. 🎮  Factorio server

    Factorio server
    ★ 1.2K Game
  138. JiraJira, TrelloTrelloのスマートな代替


    Project management tool
    ★ 1.4K Project management
  139. PostmanPostman, InsomniaInsomniaのスマートな代替


    Next-gen API testing
    ★ 450 API Testing
  140.  Souin

    An RFC-compliant HTTP cache system
    ★ 765 Cache Reverse proxy
  141. RetroTool, MiroMiroのスマートな代替

    🔄  Scrumlr

    Webapp for collaborative online retrospectives
    ★ 283 Retrospective Agile Scrum
  142. Apollo GraphQLApollo Serverのスマートな代替

    ☸️  GraphQL Hive

    Open-source GraphQL management platform
    ★ 437 GraphQL API gateway
  143. 🎮  Prince of Persia

    Playable Prince of Persia reimplementation
    ★ 955 Game
  144. MicrosoftMicrosoft Office, LibreOfficeLibreOffice, ONLYOFFICEONLYOFFICEのスマートな代替

     WPS Office

    WPS Office Suite
    ★ 112 Office suite Productivity
  145. Docker  Dash

    ★ 3 Dashboard
  146. 🎮  Quake

    Playable Quake DOS game
    ★ 7 Game