So is Hoppscotch
पोस्टमैन जैसा एपीआई क्लाइंट
★ 68.5K API Testing License: MITHoppscotch एक हल्का, वेब-आधारित API विकास सूट है।
So is Ⓢ Sparrow
Next-gen API testing
★ 450 API Testing License: AGPL-3.0Sparrow is your next go-to API development buddy which can help you test, debug, and distribute better APIs while collaborating with your colleagues and making you a better programmer.
Sure, Insomnia is awesome.
But have you considered these open source alternatives?
They are free, self-hostable and community-driven.
Check by yourself: Hoppscotch , Ⓢ Sparrow .