Acerca de Souin
Souin is a new HTTP cache system suitable for every reverse-proxy. It can be either placed on top of your current reverse-proxy whether it's Apache, Nginx or as plugin in your favorite reverse-proxy like Træfik, Caddy or Tyk.
- RFC-compliant: Souin is RFC-compliant and supports Vary, request coalescing, stale cache-control, and other specifications related to the RFC-7234.
- HTTP cache groups: Souin supports the newly written RFCs (currently in draft) http-cache-groups and http-invalidation.
- Cache-Status HTTP response header: Souin supports the Cache-Status HTTP response header, the YKey group such as Varnish, the Targeted HTTP Cache Control RFC.
- ESI tags: Souin supports the ESI tags, thanks to the go-esi package.
- Docker integration: Souin is written in Go and can be deployed on any server. Thanks to the Docker integration, it will be easy to install on top of a Swarm or a Kubernetes instance.
- Reverse-proxy compatibility: Souin can be placed on top of your current reverse-proxy whether it's Apache, Nginx, or as a plugin in your favorite reverse-proxy like Træfik, Caddy, or Tyk.
- Open-source: Souin is an open-source project released under the MIT license.
Variables de entorno
Ver variables de entorno
- souin
- stack.localhost
- info # Logs verbosity [ DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, DPANIC, PANIC, FATAL ]
- 10s